Monday, March 28, 2011

Which is better, being a Christian rapist/murderer or a Hindu rapist/murderer???

Everyone knows about a girl being raped and killed, by a beggar near Palakkad district in Kerala. I do not want to use her name, because it has been used more than it should have been by the media. Cheap thrilling articles about how she screamed and ran inside the train and no on lookers helped, how the neighboring houses heard her screams and none went to rescue, it was debated about, shown around and wrote about. And like every other incident that gets reported in our media, this also lacked its entertaining value after a few days, and it is been shut down.
On a search, based on curiosity, about where is this alleged rapist/murderer now, an interesting article was found. There is a web page called Haindava Keralam and that seems to be the only page (according to the limited Google search) reporting this interesting fact about a rapist. What they throw out is based on one of the first reports about the incident in the news paper Mathrubhumi, dated 4th of February. This is the clip below (courtesy )

What an astonishing news!! When raping and killing loses its fame and importance obviously the next option is religion, all of them can be put in one box after all.

But let this be dissected logically. If you are given a piece of news like this, what would your reasoning be? A person who earns his living (!!) by begging, socio-economically backward, must be very low in education has converted himself into a Christian and changed his name. Do you think he actually went through all the legal, mundane processes needed to have that name changed. If he has a birth certificate (not likely a fact) and his real name on that is Govindachamy, but now he likes to refer himself as Charly Thomas, when the Police came to arrest him what do you think he would have told his name as?? It is highly likely that he said his name is Charly, and the scavenger media reported it blatantly. After further investigation Police must have evidently found his legal name is Govindachami and everyone started using it. But one should ask, why a daily like Mathrubhumi did not report about such a mistake in the name change. That is where the Hindu blood starts boiling, when the Nithyanandas start pointing at Thomas Kotturs.
This is the root article and one should read the comments beneath the main article:
Have you noticed it is been posted under the section Communist/Cult agenda !!!

Why this is posted by us is to ask two questions to you:
1. Does it really matter to look into the religion of a criminal in a democratic country where our Law is not written based on any religion.
2. Why hasn't he punished yet, or if he has, why is it not being reported?? What is our Judiciary waiting for to sentence the punishment?

Towards the first question, though it is asked to you, everyone has a chance to answer, why should any human being follow any religion. The motive to start believing in any religious view is what really matters. Is it because the religion will make you rich? powerful? will provide you with free food, woman and weapons?
or is it because you found that in one religion they spread the message of love, humanity and peace of mind that you want to follow that for a better living and a better self!!!! HELLO!!! What on earth is humanity, peace of mind and love towards your fellow beings??? That point of any religion stopped in the time of Rama, Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammad.
So instead of wasting time on throwing stones at each other, debate on what is the utmost punishment the criminal should get and work towards buying that for him. But that is not interesting, is it? Or have you attained such a level in spirituality from where you are predicting that a religious conversion changed a 'sadhu' beggar to a rapist murderer?? Would the rape have been any less frightening if the rapist is a Hindu? Would the killing be any less painful if he was a Muslim? Did the girl really die because the murderer was a Christian?? Which god will forgive faster? which prayer will be effective faster, after a rape and murder when you pray on knees bowing down, or kneeling or rolling around idols??? WHY WOULD A CRIMINAL'S RELIGION MATTER?? It is a pity that our democratic Judiciary has no law to punish him with the same painful and brutal death that undeserving young girl went through.

Towards the second question, which was the main concern and which lead to this article, WHERE IS GOVINDACHAMI/CHARLY THOMAS NOW?? Is he waiting for a punishment in some Jail?? WHY THERE IS SUCH A DELAY IN PUNISHING HIM?????

Condolence for that family, who is at the losing end, whose lost is forever. No one can give back their daughter, no Christian no Hindu or no Muslim. At least Justice should be shown, for a future without such chaamis and thomases. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tsunami or Local elections??? what should we more WORRY about or KNOW about???

The afternoon of 11th March, 2011 Japan was struck down by a devastating earthquake reading 9Mw. The earthquake caused massive tsunami waves of estimated height of around 33 feet, swept away the portal towns of Japan up to 10 Kms inland. Of course we all saw the shocking videos, photos and satellite images, some of them showing clearly the pre and post states of the unfortunate towns in Japan. Lives are lost, properties destroyed, kids orphaned, in just a matter of minutes people with dreams and ambitions were thrown out into void. These waves traveled across the Pacific and reached up till the coasts of US. And tsunami dint come alone, it brought more misfortune in the form of Nuclear power plants exploding, volcanic eruptions and sequel of earthquakes. All this is news, yes? The earth shifted from its axis, tectonic plates moved!! All this is news, yes?? The whole world is talking about all this. This is a pressing NEWS, isn't it??????

Check out these print screen images of the home page of 2 world wide leading news reporters, the BBC and the CNN.

Yes it is news. It is the most important news for any living being on earth, because this seems to affect everyone on a long run. And so everyone is trying to know about it and read about it or hear about the progresses.

But ALAS!!!

In the corner of the subcontinent of India, we have Kerala. The state which is ruled alternatively by different political parties. The 5yrs of ruling provides each party to accumulate their part of benefits and the next 5yrs trying to haul down the ruling party. And always the reasons are astonishingly international. We have heard news like the opposition party holding the ruling party and ministers responsible for world wide riots or war or political changes. Now the season is of elections in Kerala. We all know what will happen, yea? All of them would come out with promises of heavenly life, and none of that has ever happened, or will ever happen. The ministers and their sons will still rape girls, act as pimps and eventually get richer everyday. We Keralites (or should say Indians?) are kind of immunized towards this environment. But it is the media that is in the most decayed state in our state. Today is 15th of March, its been 4days since the tsunami in Japan, and the media in Kerala has amazingly pushed the news further down the clowning performances of politicians and the circus called campaigning. The print screen images of home pages of leading news papers from Kerala is posted here. Well it should be said that, one should really appreciate their patriotism. Even if the rest of the world falls into pieces, they are worried about what is happening in their political affairs.

Oh come on! Whom are you kidding?

I wonder what would happen to a news channel or a news paper that is still trying to have Japan in their big bold headlines, than what the politicians have to say to save their positions or to get new positions. What do you think? Or you don't think anymore?? There is no word in any language about the shamelessness of these money eating, money breeding, money excreting animals. 
May be!!, may be.... the shock, destruction and the pitiful condition of Japan is scrolling down in some corner in the TV channels of Kerala, but you get to see the politicians and leading social figures on small boxes abusing each other.
See for yourself:

It is notworthy to point about Deshabhimani, at least they have tried to keep Japan in the second place. So the scenario is not that disappointing, yea? Or is it that since they favour the ruling party and they are so confident about the developments they gave to Kerala state and thus their victory, they can concentrate on other matters? You never know!

The whole of Indian media is not under the season of election. See this below from The Times of India and Indian Express:

So!!! that is all that is to be said and shown........

If anyone is interested you can see on this link below what really went wrong and how badly wrong it is in Japan: