Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fast or fame

Writing a lengthy article or using fancy vocabulary will not be humane for this matter at hand. 

Swamy Nigamananda, who was he? How many of you have heard about him?? It will not be very shocking if you say you have not heard that name before. 

Through various articles that will be cited here we wish to expose certain facts. First the news should be shared. Swamy Nigamananda expired on June 13, 2011, at Himalayan hospital in Jollygrant in Dehradun. He went on a fast against illegal mining and stone crushing in Ganga.


Kindly ignore what is mentioned about a particular person and his fasting in the above mentioned article, because that has been already talked about a lot. 

Swamy Nigamananda, did not die due to lack of food. He was forcefully taken to a hospital and was fed through tubes. But he died because he was poisoned and killed by some upper hands in mining. Thus says the media again in here:


Now just give a moment to think. He fasted for a noble cause, a cause which would be useful to every life living in and out of Ganga, useful to every human being around Ganga. Yet, he was killed and his protesting went in vain. Neither did the state government nor did the Central government take any action against this. More than anything, the media did not help in an upbringing of this cause. If public attention was given to this cause by media, if the public pressurized the authorities there would have been at least some measures taken against this illegal mining.  If his story was spread through the social networking sites then we could have tasted justice. Because unless there is an uproar, our Judiciary apart from being blind, seems deaf as well.

The second and third and fourth and fifth and much more, is what we want you to ask yourself. We pay the taxes, we vote for democracy, we buy TV channels and watch the media and we are the ones who are being fooled out-rightly. 

Have you any thinking ability with in you then consider this, if Irom Sharmila and Swamy Nigamananda could be forcefully fed, why not every person fasting and protesting is taken to hospital and fed forcefully?

Why no one bothered to bring this into public attention and cause a hype through the media?

If state government and central government are ruled by different political parties does that mean the central government wash out their hands on judiciary actions at emergency needs???

Kindly wake up from your ignorance and speak and act with wisdom. Search for facts, demand the truth and believe in Justice. Ganga is listed as one among the 5 most polluted rivers in the world. We need to save, Ganga, we need to save the millions of people living around Ganga. They are not the ones building 33 storied houses, they are the ones striving for a day's meal. They do not have the luxuries you and I enjoy, that is food and shelter, but they have nightmares of extinction

Swamy Nigamananda did not have Kiran Bedi and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar buzzing around him, he did not fast for second Independence war, if he did probably he would have been alive now. He did not have an island in Scotland or a 100 million followers at hand who are ready to die for him. But he only had truth to be withheld. He was born and brought up seeing and feeling the Ganges and when he found its existence being threatened he went to question it. He demanded justice, IT WAS DENIED AND HE WAS REMOVED FROM THE FACE OF EARTH.   

THINK!!!! THINK!!!! THINK!!!! 
Before becoming the puppets of media, before playing the right roles the bureaucrats assign you, before making your money at free disposal to the politicians, think. And unless the Indian in you think and get answers for yourself, human life will remain the cheapest commodity in India. Media will write the script, Politicians, rich businessmen and men who seek power and fame will act. We will remain as the dumb audience......the show will continue using your money.....






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